Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kilt Hose (Work in Progress)

Post 16 of ? in the series, "Why I Haven't Blogged in Over Six Months"

This project sort of fits into the "plaid" category since kilt hose are traditionally worn with a kilt and kilts are traditionally plaid. The cuffs on these scared me at first because they looked super complicated but once I got going on the pattern it wasn't bad at all. I'm not completely happy with how the back looks (which is partly why I have been putting off finishing the second one). I think next time I make a pair of these I'll figure out a better way to make the decreases flow with the ribbing. Otherwise, this is a nice pattern (if you want to try it, you can find it here). Someday when I'm more comfortable with cabling I would love to attempt these babies...

...but right now the pattern still makes me want to cry and then stab my eyeballs with DPNs. Knitting is such a delicate balance of successes and challenges- but so are most things in life, right?


Monica said...

I've said it once, I'll say it again: I am in awe of the work you do!

Katie K said...

Thanks Monica! I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't love it.